Monday, June 29, 2009


Isn't summer great? The air is warm, the skies are bright (mostly), and things just feel better. We gave a wellness coaching update report late last week, and it went pretty well. The numbers show that people are using the service and even changing and benefitting. What the numbers don't show are the stories---of real people, making improvements in lifestyle and quality of life.

There really is no way to put the essence of change on paper or in a Power Point presentation. If you've changed something, you know what I mean. Did you change your "normal" even a little bit this year? Maybe you went from eating no vegetables to eating 1 serving a day. Maybe you go to the gym 1 time a week now, when before you never went. That's huge! We like big results, but big results require big changes---and frankly, our success rate for big changes is pretty darn low. Focusing on today, now, what you can do that is a healthier choice than what you may have done last time you faced the same option, is what gets you to a new and better place over time.

It's almost July 1st, and this is a great time to evaluate the goals or resolutions you made in January. Did you stick to any of your plans? Make any improvements? If so, great! Time to update and make new ones for the second half of the year. If not, ok--start over. Reflect on why things didn't happen the way you had hoped, re-group, re-plan, and make new goals for the next 6 months.

Need help? Let me know.

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