Friday, October 30, 2009

Change of Plans

Remember when I said I was leaving RIT? Well, I was just kidding about that. Not really, but things have changed. I'm staying. I'm sure some people will ask why, and the answer is that circumstances just changed.

Kristina is great (and reminds me a lot of my cousin Kristen). Early last week she suggested I stay, and I had never considered that option after I put in my notice in August. But then HR people caught on to the idea, and I proposed a solution involving me staying to my manager. They liked it. I'm staying. I'll still be teaching online, and working at Rotork.

So, I am going to spend the next week catching up with those of you who have been neglected since Kristina started (not her fault, just because of training stuff and spending time at the benefits fair).

We'll be working as a team on the conclusion of the pilot, and also collaborating on the expansion. That should be an interesting journey, since there are over 3000 of you altogether. We're going to do a collaborative effort online with a new blog and other resources, so you can get to know both of us.

I'll keep you posted.

Rotork Friends, I will continue to be there on Friday mornings. We'll start our second annual Maintain Don't Gain Campaign in two weeks, followed by a New Year's Evolution program. So start thinking about what your goals for the new year might be!


Anonymous said...


Dave Kessler said...

Hey this is great news. See you next week.